Negotiation Rhythms

Attorney Mary Russell counsels individuals on startup equity, including:

You are welcome to contact her at (650) 326-3412 or at

Salary Negotiation Method - Identify your BATNA, or best alternative to negotiated agreement.

Salary Negotiation Method: Identify your BATNA, or best alternative to negotiated agreement.

We’ve all heard plenty of advice about negotiating.

The business world directs us to stay rationally focused, rely on exhaustive preparation, think through alternatives, spend less time talking and more time listening and asking questions, and let the other side make the first offer.[1]

The psych world counsels us to listen first, sit down, find common ground, move in, keep cool, be brief, forget neutrality, avoid empty threats, and don’t yield.[2]

These tips don’t have much meaning without knowing the underlying principles of negotiations, and studying tips alone is about as meaningful as learning dance steps without ever hearing the music.

The following three-part series presents the rhythm of negotiations as described in the Harvard Negotiation Project’s Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In.[3] It should be useful for those first learning to hear this rhythm and for those who have been dancing since the bazaars of their youth who may need to go back to basics to learn some tricky new steps.

Read on!

#1: Zone of Possible Agreement

#2: Best Alternatives to Negotiated Agreement

#3: Sales & Threats

Attorney Mary Russell counsels individuals on startup equity, including:

You are welcome to contact her at (650) 326-3412 or at

[1] Take It Or Leave It: The Only Guide to Negotiating You Will Ever Need via @Inc

[2] The Art of Negotiation | Psychology Today

[3] Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In


Mary Russell

Mary Russell is an attorney and writer who writes about stock options and other compensation for startup employees, executives and founders. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, Bloomberg Business, Reuters, and other outlets.

She counsels individuals on startup equity, including:

Compensation Counsel - Job Offers
Legal Counsel - Job Offers

Legal Counsel - Equity Choices

You are welcome to contact her at (650) 326-3412 or at


Negotiation Rhythms #1: Zone of Possible Agreement


Startup Stock: Particles and Waves. Casinos and Creativity.